All media products represent individuals in a particular way this can depend on factors such as Age, ethnicity, social class, sexuality, gender and physical ability.
The main social gropes we explored in our media product are gender and social status, age and ethnicity.
Young male characters
Young male characters are normally seen as inexperienced compared to their older male counter parts. They are often put across as weaker and less informed of the events that are unfolding around them this is representing them in a negative way as it makes them out to look uneducated, easily frightened and gives them an attitude that makes them look that they don't have a care in the world. This is representing them in a negative way due to the fact that men are normally seen as strong and brave and are often put across to know what is happening around them and it is due to this reason that I believe that young males are being represented in a negative way.
Unknown Character
We have challenged stereotypes for age in our action film as our main character's age is 16 and there for the audence would be led to belive that he would be a well educated young adult that has just fineshed year 11 and is now thinking of going in to the work place or continuing school yet we have represented him in such a way that he is put across as dangerous an a serous threat that put others life in danger in order to achieve what he want.
In our film opening we have represented genders in a series of different ways.
We have represented females in a derogative way due to our cast being men only leaving only one role to be played by a female and there for we have shown our audience that society is dominated by male's, the one part that a female did partake was a police interview and this was a spoken part overlaying our main Unknown character. The interview speech by our female news reporter presented females in a strong manner due to the severity of the report and the strength and volume of the voice, this is very un stereotypical of a woman in an action film as they are usually seen as a 'Damsel's in distress' and they need rescuing by a man who often has to risk his life to save hers.
We have not included a rage of ethnicity with in our film opening as the two characters on set and the two reporter voices you hear are all English.
check spellings - put on Word before publishing!
good start but are the representations positive or negative for each social group?
are males often victims? are white people usually criminals? and so on.