In our interview seen above we asked questions including:
- Name, age and Gender?
- why do they like to watch action films?
- What is there favourite action film and why?
- What aspects of action films entice you to watch them?
- Do you find the stereotypical role of a dominant mail and a damsel in distress a bad thing?
- what would you like to see in action films that you haven't seen before
From asking why Chris Higgins likes to watch action films we discovered that he finds them thrilling and feels like he has been personally involved which is one of the reasons that people consume media so we decided that this was a strong factor that we should include in our film plot and decided to include a thrilling aspect with a large amount of enigma.
A strong reason for Chris's favourite film being the borne identity sequel was the story line being interesting and a character that has a strong skill in acting.
When we asked Chris Do you find the stereotypical role of a dominant mail and a damsel in distress a bad thing? he replied 'I think that it distracts from what the actual film is about' therefor we decided not to include a female actor within our film as we thought that our film already contained a large amount of enigma and the introduction of a 'damsel in distress' would peal the viewers away from the action and may end up confusing them.
using all of the answers from the interview above we then pitched our ideas to our peers
We plan to attract our using:
there will be a strong feel of action through our film even though we have not me the typical conventions of an action film due to the fact that we have not used a big city for the setting of our film but we feel that this will be surprising for our audience.
There will be thrilling aspect through our film keeping our audience on the edge of there seat. t5o achive this we have used a sound that slowly grows in intensity as the thrill of the kill and his approach to his victims house this will be coupled with fast editing and an unknown character dressed in black.
Plot Complexity
A quintessential part of action and thriller films is the complicated plot which make the audience need to watch it in order to fully understand it. Our two characters in the film opening make the plot very complicated because on off them is bad but it isn't clear until the end of the film which is bad. This is the most effective way to keep an audience interested and involved
In conclusion, we have chosen to attract and address by giving them, exactly what they want - thriller and action combo with very complex plot that makes they have to keep on watching.
good start but think about characters, mise-en-scene, camera, editing techniques, sound...all these should have been used to attract the audience. what did you use and how?